“… unguento derramado é o Teu nome” (Ct 1:3).
Completando esta pequena tríade de comentários, gostaria de mencionar o sacrifício envolvido no ato de derramar unguento. Unguento num frasco pode ser guardado por muitos anos — uma vez derramado, porém, ele se foi para sempre.
Nosso Deus e Pai tinha um vidro do mais precioso perfume. Uma pequena gota daquele perfume teria sido suficiente para nos satisfazer por milhares de anos. Mas Deus não foi mesquinho — o unguento foi derramado! Seu Filho foi entregue sem reservas, entregue até à morte, e morte de cruz. Ao dar-nos o Seu Filho unigênito, Deus deu plenamente!
Com corações sinceros esta manhã, que possamos nos reunir com o Seu povo em torno do pão e do cálice para lembramos dEle, e derramar corações transbordando de gratidão a este grande Salvador e Senhor, que é digno de eterna glória. Seu nome, realmente, é como unguento derramado.
© W. J. Watterson
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Ointment poured forth (iii)
“… Thy name is as ointment poured forth” (Song of Solomon 1:3).
Completing this little triad of posts, I’d like to mention the sacrifice involved in pouring forth ointment. Ointment in a bottle can be preserved for years — but once poured forth, it is gone forever.
Our God and Father had a bottle of most precious perfume. One little drop from that bottle would have satisfied us for thousands of years. But there was no holding back with God — the ointment was poured forth! His Son was given without reserve, given even to death, and the death of the cross. In giving us His only begotten Son, God gave us His all!
With true hearts this morning, as we gather around the bread and the cup with His people to remember Him, may we pour out hearts overflowing with praise to this great Saviour and Lord, who is worthy of eternal glory. His name is truly as ointment poured forth.
Completing this little triad of posts, I’d like to mention the sacrifice involved in pouring forth ointment. Ointment in a bottle can be preserved for years — but once poured forth, it is gone forever.
Our God and Father had a bottle of most precious perfume. One little drop from that bottle would have satisfied us for thousands of years. But there was no holding back with God — the ointment was poured forth! His Son was given without reserve, given even to death, and the death of the cross. In giving us His only begotten Son, God gave us His all!
With true hearts this morning, as we gather around the bread and the cup with His people to remember Him, may we pour out hearts overflowing with praise to this great Saviour and Lord, who is worthy of eternal glory. His name is truly as ointment poured forth.
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Dois detalhes sobre Isaías 53
Isaías 53 contém o quarto Cântico do Servo (que inclui os últimos três versículos do cap. 52). Qual seria o centro deste Cântico?
“Todo o homem põe primeiro o vinho bom e, quando já têm bebido bem, então o inferior; mas tu guardaste até agora o bom vinho”.
Isaías 53 contém o quarto Cântico do Servo (que inclui os últimos três versículos do cap. 52). Qual seria o centro deste Cântico?
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