When Rehoboam, son of Solomon, forsake the Lord, God brought upon him the Egyptians. But the sacred text tells us: “And when he humbled himself, the anger of Jehovah turned away from him, that he would not destroy him altogether; and also in Judah there were good things” (II Ch 12:12, Darby’s translation).
Judah wasn’t totally destroyed on that occasion not only because Rehoboam humbled himself, but also because there were “good things” in Judah. What were these good things? Who were they? How many? We don’t know; but we do know that anonymous servants, serving God faithfully, preserved Judah in that day.
Brother or sister, remember that “if one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; and if one member be glorified, all the members rejoice with it” (I Co 12:26). Note that this is not an exhortation (“if one member suffer, all the members should suffer with it”), but a declaration: what happens with one member of the body will affect the whole, for better or for worse.
What a solemn truth! With what care should I walk, so as not to bring loss to the assembly where God has put me!
What a glorious truth! If I, by the grace of God, can be a “good thing” before Him, I can influence the whole assembly!
Even if no one sees what I do, and I be one of God’s many anonymous servants, may He be pleased by my walk in this world. Thus I will be bringing glory to His name and, maybe, helping to preserve other of my brethren! Amen!
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Dois detalhes sobre Isaías 53
Isaías 53 contém o quarto Cântico do Servo (que inclui os últimos três versículos do cap. 52). Qual seria o centro deste Cântico?
“Todo o homem põe primeiro o vinho bom e, quando já têm bebido bem, então o inferior; mas tu guardaste até agora o bom vinho”.
Isaías 53 contém o quarto Cântico do Servo (que inclui os últimos três versículos do cap. 52). Qual seria o centro deste Cântico?
Introdução Qual deve ser a posição do cristão hoje em relação ao jejum? Nesta presente Dispensação, será que jejuar é algo indicado (que to...
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